Great plugin by the way.
The only thing I’m missing is a way to select some things like Type/FunnelStage or simply my own fields getting populated while adding. Similar to the webclipper of Notion itself.
It doesn’t have to come up on clicking the button (to keep simplicity) but maybe after hovering again. Sometimes I just add people, but can’t remember why exactly.
Manually opening Notion and adding an info in the detail view of a Person is a few extra steps. way to select some things like Type/FunnelStage or simply my own fields getting populated while adding. Similar to the webclipper of Notion itself.
It doesn’t have to come up on clicking the button (to keep simplicity) but maybe after hovering again. Sometimes I just add people, but can’t remember why exactly.
Manually opening Notion and adding an info in the detail view of a Person is a few extra steps.
Created by Guillermo (PeopletoNotion)